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Concept information

Término preferido

serial reaction time task  

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  • "In this task, a visual cue can appear at any one of four positions arranged horizontally on a computer screen. Each screen position, designated 1– 4, corresponds to a button on a response pad. When a cue appears, at the start of each trial, a participant selects the appropriate response button, which ends the trial [...]. The duration of each trial, defined by the participant’s response time, is the primary task measure. At the end of each trial, there is a short fixed delay, often between 200 and 500 ms, before another cue is presented. The visual cues play out a repeating sequence of positions (for example, 2-3-1-4-3-2-4-1-3-4-2-1). These sequential trials are then followed by random trials in which the visual cue no longer plays out a repeating pattern of positions." (Robertson, 2007, p. 10074).

etiqueta alternativa (skos)

  • SRT
  • SRTT

Pertenece al grupo


  • Frank Arnould

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