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Término preferido

Brown-Peterson task  

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  • Experimental technique for the study of forgetting in short-term memory which is also used as a measure of the central executive of working memory (Brown, 1958; Peterson & Peterson, 1959). The task consists of presenting subjects with sequences of three consonants. After the presentation of each series, the subject has to perform either an immediate recall of the consonants, or a counting backwards task starting from a three-digit number. The duration of this counting task varies from 3 to 18 seconds. Immediate recall gives an excellent memory of each series of three consonants. However, the counting task disrupts memory. After a 3-second interval occupied by this task, 80% of the items are recalled, and less than 10% after a 18-second interval.

etiqueta alternativa (skos)

  • Brown-Peterson paradigm

Pertenece al grupo


  • Frank Arnould

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