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  • "Amnesia refers to the acquired impairment of explicit long-term memory, that is, when remembering requires overt reference to the learning phase. It can be due to brain lesions (neurogenic amnesia) or to psychological factors (psychogenic amnesia). When it concerns the period after the onset of the disease (organic or psychogenic), it describes impaired encoding, retention or retrieval of episodic memory (memory for specific personally lived events and newly learned information) and is called anterograde amnesia. When it concerns the period before the onset of the disease, it describes impaired autobiographical memory (the narrative of one's own life) and it is called retrograde amnesia." (Cubelli & Dalla Sala, 2021, p. 158).

Concepto genérico

etiqueta alternativa (skos)

  • amnestic disorder

Pertenece al grupo


  • Frank Arnould

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