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Concept information

disease > congenital disease > malformation > Hennekam syndrome
disease > genetic disease > hereditary disease > Hennekam syndrome
disease > complex syndrome > Hennekam syndrome
disease > disability > mental retardation > Hennekam syndrome

Término preferido

Hennekam syndrome  


  • Hennekam syndrome also known as intestinal lymphagiectasia–lymphedema–mental retardation syndrome, is an autosomal recessive disorder consisting of intestinal lymphangiectasia, facial anomalies, peripheral lymphedema, and mild to moderate levels of growth and intellectual disability.It is also known as "lymphedema-lymphangiectasia-mental retardation syndrome".Hennekam Syndrome is subdivided according to the causative genetic lesion, most (or all) of which are affecting the VEGF-C/VEGFR-3 signaling pathway: (Wikipedia)

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